Performers & Special Presenters
- Mary Tooley, Art in a Suitcase: Thursday June 23rd @ 2pm (for Discovery Days, registration required)
- Bright Star Theatre presents The Little Mermaid: Tuesday July 19th 9am (at City Park as weather permits!)
- Mary Tooley, Art in a Suitcase: Friday July 22nd @ 1pm (for Teen Time, registration required)
- Fox & Branch, Musicians: Monday August 8th @ 6pm. (at City Park as weather permits!)
- Ocean Odyssey, Presentation & shark touch tank (limit 100) Fri. Aug. 19th @ 6pm (at the Lion's Club Building)
Family Programs
Family Night - Families are welcome to the Library the second Tuesday of the month from 6-7pm for a variety of family fun.
- June 14th @ 6:00pm - Backyard Golf & Lawn Games
- July 12th @ 6:00pm - Family Dance Party!
- August 9th @ 6:00pm - Worm Races
Loganville Little Library - Outreach programs at the Village Hall in Loganville for children of all ages begin June 16th. Be ready for crafts, stories, and hold/request item pick-up. Thursdays @ 10:00am June 16th-August 4th & Worm Races on August 11th!
Monday Movie Matinee - Free G/PG movies will be shown on the big screen in the Library’s Community Room select Mondays in August. Check online for movie postings. Mondays in August @ 1:00pm August 15th, 22nd, and 29th
Preschool Programs
Preschool Players - Children ages 4-5 will rehearse a short play Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon and perform it for family Thursday evening in the Library’s Community Room. Space is limited, register online for one of these sessions:
- Session 2 - Rehearsal: July 19th & 20th, 4-4:45pm. Performance: July 21st @ 6:30pm
- Session 3 - Rehearsal: Aug. 16th & 17th, 4-4:45pm. Performance: Aug. 18th @ 6:30pm
Babygarten - Babies 0-24 months and their grownups are welcome to the Community Room for 45 minutes of books, songs, rhymes, baby signs, and free-play. Wednesdays @ 10:00am June 15th-August 3rd
Lunch Bunch Storytime - Families are encouraged to bring a picnic lunch and blanket to the library’s back lawn for stories, music, and a take home craft. Outdoors as weather allows. Watch our Facebook page and website for event details and updates. Wednesdays @ Noon June 15th-August 3rd
Summer Storytime - This is a “second helping” of Lunch Bunch Storytime for families or daycare groups that may prefer storytime without the picnic lunch. Join us in the Library’s Community Room for stories, music, and a craft. Watch our Facebook page or website for event details and updates. Fridays @ 10:00am June 17th-August 5th
Elementary Programs
Discovery Days are for children entering Kindergarten through 5th grades in the fall. Children must be registered by Wednesday at 2pm each week. Please register online or in the Children’s Area of the Library. Thursdays @ 2:00pm June 16th- August 11th
“Read with Me” Dog Visits - Specially trained reading pets will be visiting the library this summer! Children of ALL ages are invited to read to Babe (a Newfoundland) or Jessie (a Maltese); both dogs have been trained for this national literacy program.
- The following Mondays from 2pm-4pm
- June 13th, 20th, 27th
- July 11th, 18th, 25th
- August 1st
- The fourth Tuesday of the month from 5pm-7pm
- June 28th; July 26th; August 23rd
Reedsburg Writers is a writing program for all children and teens that are able to write independently! Join us in the Library’s Community Room to write and illustrate stories of your choice. All of the tools needed to create will be provided, no registration is necessary. Please note that while this is a drop-in program, participants must be present on the 25th or 1st to be included in the final publication.
Mondays @ 10:00am June 13th, 20th, 27th, July 11th, 18th, 25th, August 1st, and our publication party on August 8th
Teen Programs
Reedsburg Writers is a writing program for all children and teens that are able to write independently! Join us in the Library’s Community Room to write and illustrate stories of your choice. All of the tools needed to create will be provided, no registration is necessary. Please note that while this is a drop-in program, participants must be present on the 25th or 1st to be included in the final publication.
Mondays @ 10:00am June 13th, 20th, 27th, July 11th, 18th, 25th, August 1st, and our publication party on August 8th
Teen Time is for young adults going into 6th – 12th grades. We will have fun activities including various crafts, an Escape Room, the annual, after hours Teen Library Lock In and more!
Fridays @ 1:00pm June 17th- August 5th, and Teen Library Lock In August 12th from 5:00pm-9:00pm
Teen Movies - Free movies that are geared for a slightly older crowd will be shown on the big screen in the Library’s Community Room select Fridays in August. The films will be rated PG or PG-13. Check for movie postings. Fridays @ 1:00pm August 19th and 26th
Adult Summer Programming
Virtual Memoir Writing Group: 2nd Tuesday of the month at 6pm. Meets via Zoom.
In-person Morning Book Discussion: 4th Tues. of the month at 10am
Virtual Evening Book Discussion: 3rd Thursday of the month at 6pm. Meets via Zoom.
Virtual Cookbook Discussion: 3rd Monday of the month at 6pm. Meets via Zoom.
Monday Movie Matinee: 2nd Monday of the month at 1pm
Author Spotlight: 4th Monday of the month at 6pm
Pre-Register for all our Reading Challenges starting June 1st by visiting or come to the library!
An Ocean of Possibilities
- Our Baby & Toddler Challenge is for children from 0 to 2-years-old, and encourages families to engage in early literacy activities.
- Our Pre-School & School-Age Challenge is a literacy-focused program for children from preschool through 5th grade.
- Our Teen Literacy Challenge is a summer incentive program for those entering 6th to 12th, with reading & other activities.
Seas the Day: Read!
For the Adult Reading Program, adults can pick up a Summer Library Pamphlet to record their summer reading and win prizes, attend a summer book discussion group, and join in "Seas the Day" events. Watch for details in the Adult Summer Reading Program brochure and the library’s website. Receive information directly through your email by signing up for the newsletter and event reminders at Registrants will receive a library book bag (pictured below). Pre-register starting June 1st!